Čtvrtek 18. dubna 2024, svátek má Valérie
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Graphs and Diagrams. Jak je popsat anglicky?

Server Lidovky.cz vám ve spolupráci s jazykovou agenturou Skřivánek přináší již devátou lekci kurzu byznys angličtiny. Dnes se zaměříme na grafy a diagramy a jejich popis. Při prezentování vývoje cen či prodejů se bez nich neobejdete. Správné odpovědi naleznete opět na konci lekce spolu s testem.
Pracovní jednání - ilustrační foto

Pracovní jednání - ilustrační foto foto: Shutterstock

Talking about figures and numbers cannot be done without having the process visualised. Graphs, charts and diagrams help listeners understand the development of for examples prices, economical growth or changes in sales. Additionally, pictures and visuals help speakers support the facts and remember figures.

Graph 1

Have a look at the development of prices in the graph above and fill in the missing words in the description below in the correct format:

growth             to be slowly growing               to fall rapidly                 to grow steadily              sharp decrease            stable            significant increase

As you can see in the graph, the price of pencils 1.________ between 1999 and 2001. But the crisis in the market influenced the further changes and the price started 2.________. In 2003 the 3.________ stopped and a 4.________ in prices influenced the production.

From 2003 till now, the price can be described as more or less 5.________; moreover, since 2005 the price has been 6.________. As the prediction of further development suggests this 7.________ should continue at least till 2008.

Look at the pictures of graphs and match them with their names:

1. Line graph
2. Bar graph
3. Polar chart
4. Pie chart
5. Area chart






Sort out the expressions below into the two given categories. There should be six words in each category:

a) upward movement: __________, __________, __________, __________, __________, __________

b) downward movement: __________, __________, __________, __________, __________, __________

1. to get worse

2. to decline

3. to increase

4. to climb

5. to fall

6. to improve

7. to grow

8. to decrease

9. to deteriorate

10. to get better

11. to drop

12. to rise

Read the definitions below and fill in missing letters in the synonyms that go into the categories:

1. To reach the highest point and then go down
a) to  p_ _k
b) to  t_ _    o_ t
c) to  r_ _ _h   a   peak
d) to  r_ _ _h   a   m_ _ _ _ _m

2. To reach the lowest point and then go up
a) to  h_ _   the   b_ _ _ _m
b) to  b_ _ _ _m   out
c) to  r_ _ _h   a   l_ _   p_ _ _t

3. To stay at the same level
a) to  r_ _ _ _n   s_ _ _ _e
b) to  s_ _ _ _ _ _ _e
c) to  r_ _ _ _n   c_ _ _ _ _ _t
d) to  l_ _ _l   off

4. To go up and down continuously
to  f_ _ _ _ _ _ _e

Using the vocabulary from the previous exercises, fill in the gaps in the exercise below. The first letters are there to help you:

Steady 1. r_______ of prices by 2 percent a year has been affected by constant changes in the international markets which 2. r_______ in a low customer interest in buying our products. The predictions for the following year are quite positive as a slow but steady 3. i_______ in the customer purchase is expected thanks to the 4. g_______ strength of the currency and 5. d_______ of competition.

Although we probably will not 6. r_______  t__  p_____ from 2006, we might be able to 7. r_______ cost saving measures and extend both our product scale and production. We hope that the year 2003 in which we 8. h______  t__  b_______ will not repeat in the upcoming years and we can expect 9. i________ only.

TEST: Match the graphs with their descriptions:


a) the figures have been increasing steadily
b) the figures have been decreasing sharply
c) the figures have been slowly decreasing


a) the figures have dropped
b) the figures have been stable
c) the figures have been fluctuating


a) the figures have dropped significantly
b) the figures have increased slightly
c) the figures have been falling


a) the figures have dropped significantly
b) the figures have been falling steadily
c) the figures have increased dramatically


a) the figures have been increasing
b) the figures have been fluctuating
c) the figures have been decreasing


a) the figures have increased sharply
b) the figures have decreased a little
c) the figures have been stable


a) the figures were stable and then have decreased
b) the figures were stable and then have increased
c) the figures increased and since then they have been stable


Fill in the missing words:
1. was slowly growing; 2. falling rapidly; 3. sharp decrease; 4. significant increase; 5. stable; 6. growing steadily; 7. growth 

Match the graphs with their names:
1B; 2A; 3D; 4C; 5E

Sort out the expressions:
a) 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12
b) 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 11 

Fill in missing letters:
1. a) to peak, b) to top out, c) to reach a peak, d) to reach a maximum;
2. a) to hit the bottom, b) to bottom out, c) to reach a low point;
3. a) to remain stable, b) to stabilize, c) to remain constant, d) to level off;
4. to fluctuate

Fill in the gaps:
1. rise; 2. resulted; 3. increase; 4. growing; 5. decline; 6. reach the peak; 7. reduce; 8. hit the bottom; 9. improvements

1. c); 2. b); 3. b); 4. a); 5. b); 6. a); 7. b)

Jazyková agentura Skřivánek

Skřivánek je největší jazykovou agenturou ve střední a východní Evropě. Na trhu jazykových služeb působí již od roku 1994. Kanceláře a učebny agentury Skřivánek najdete v 20 městech ČR a v dalších 14 zemích světa.

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Kromě různých typů kurzů pro veřejnost zajišťuje Skřivánek i výuku na klíč pro firmy a jednotlivce, jazykové audity, pobytové a zahraniční kurzy nebo přípravu na jazykové zkoušky pro děti i dospělé.

Více informací najdete na www.skrivanek.cz.


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