'Hang on a minute'. Telefonujeme anglicky

I toto pondělí vám server ve spolupráci s jazykovou agenturou Skřivánek přináší pravidelnou lekci kurzu byznys angličtiny. Tentokrát si oživíme pravidla úspěšného telefonování. Správné odpovědi k jednotlivým cvičením a test naleznete na konci lekce.
Notebook a telefon (ilustrační foto)

Notebook a telefon (ilustrační foto) foto: Shutterstock

Keeping just a few rules for a telephone communication will make your calls much more effective and efficient. Even though you think that telephone conversation enables you to for example continue working on your computer, checking e-mails, frown or not to concentrate fully, the opposite is true.

As you read through the following paragraph fill in the words below in an appropriate form:

switch              brush up           recognize          smile          focus      concentrate       be able

The called person immediately (1)_______ if you are or are not in a good mood, if you (2)_______ or if you are really busy and (3)_______ more on your work than on the phone call. Read through the following lines and you will (4)_______ on the telephone communication etiquette and you will learn to (5)_______ to (6)_______ between the tasks quickly and (7)________ fully on each of them as both of them are of equal importance.

Have a look at the next paragraph and fill in appropriate articles (a/an, the) into the gaps where necessary:

(1)_______ first rule to remember is that at (2)_______ work you should not answer your (3)_______ phone later than after (4)_______ second or third ring. Introduce yourself clearly according to (5)_______ company guidelines saying either (6)_______ name of (7)_______ company, your (8)_______ name only or both. You never know who is calling and only (9)_______ proper introduction and (10)_______ self-presentation gives (11)_______ best first impression. Moreover, (12)_______ positive tone of (13)_______ whole conversation will add on efficacy.

Read through the following part and always choose the expression which fits best:

Never eat, drink or chew during a phone call conversation. Additionally, (1)_______ shout or be rude on the phone. Try to (2)_______ titles on the phone as well if you are not sure of them and use a pleasant and friendly tone only. Further, have a piece of paper and a pen prepared to be able (3)_______ down (4)_______ important.

(5)_______ telephone conversations should be kept as short and quick as possible. (6)_______ have a purpose of your call and stick to the topic. (7)_______ people want to chitchat when they are busy at work. Also, choose an appropriate time for your call, calling early in the morning or late in the evening will not please (8)_______ unless you know the person is a complete workaholic who is willing to answer calls any time and hardly ever leaves the office.

1. a) never you should b) never should you c) you never should  
2. a) avoid using b) avoid to use c) avoid use  
3. a) note   b) notingc) to note
4. a) allb) somethingc) anything
5. a) the all b) allc) all the
6. a) neverb) usuallyc) always
7. a) a fewb) fewc) a little
8. a) anybody b) nobody c) somebody
Mobilní telefon

Read the last part of the article and fill in appropriate words. The first letter is there to help you:

On the other (1) h_______, if you are really busy and do not want to be (2) d_______, don´t take the phone call and either wait for the caller to (3) l_______ a message or call (4) b______ after you finish all the necessary tasks. The voice message should be left no sooner than after the second call. And the message either voice or written should be coherent to (5) d_______ the crucial information.

When you are finishing the call, (6) r_______ the most important message you want the called person to remember. The last thing you (7) m_______ is the easiest one for the listener to (8) k______ in mind. Always repeat for example the time and date of the (9) a_______ or the (10) d_______ of the task or the tasks the person should (11) f_______.

TEST your knowledge HERE


Fill in the words in an appropriate form:
1. recognizes; 2. smile; 3. concentrate/focus; 4. brush up; 5. be able; 6. switch; 7. focus/concentrate

Fill in appropriate articles:
1. The; 2. - ; 3. - ; 4. the; 5. the; 6. the; 7. the; 8. - ; 9. a; 10. - ; 11. the; 12. a; 13. the

Choose the expression which fits best:
1. b); 2. a); 3. c); 4. c); 5. b); 6. c); 7. b); 8. a)

Fill in appropriate words:
1. hand; 2. disturbed; 3. leave; 4. back; 5. deliver; 6. revise, repeat; 7. mention; 8. keep; 9. appointment; 10. deadline; 11. fulfil

Jazyková agentura Skřivánek

Skřivánek je největší jazykovou agenturou ve střední a východní Evropě. Na trhu jazykových služeb působí již od roku 1994. Kanceláře a učebny agentury Skřivánek najdete v 20 městech ČR a v dalších 14 zemích světa.

Jako jedna z největších překladatelských agentur v Evropě se Skřivánek stal uznávaným specialistou na evropské a asijské jazyky. Zaměstnává více než 400 kvalifikovaných jazykových odborníků a nabízí odborné překlady do všech jazyků.

Kromě různých typů kurzů pro veřejnost zajišťuje Skřivánek i výuku na klíč pro firmy a jednotlivce, jazykové audity, pobytové a zahraniční kurzy nebo přípravu na jazykové zkoušky pro děti i dospělé.

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