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Byznys angličtina: Jak motivovat zaměstnance?

  7:00aktualizováno  14:58
Server Lidovky.cz vám ve spolupráci s jazykovou agenturou Skřivánek přináší již patnáctou lekci kurzu byznys angličtiny. Dnes vám poradíme jak motivovat zaměstnance. Správné odpovědi k jednotlivým cvičením a test naleznete opět na konci lekce.
Rasově, genderově, ageově a sexuálně vyvážený pracovní tým - ilustrační foto

Rasově, genderově, ageově a sexuálně vyvážený pracovní tým - ilustrační foto foto: Shutterstock

Fill in the gaps with appropriate words:

How to motivate employees to make them feel needed, appreciated and adequately evaluated? There are quite a few motivation 1.____ that can be used to motivate employees. The type of motivation 2.____ both on the type of employee and the type of business. It is necessary to find out what is important to the employees in combination with what is realistic for the company to 3.____.

If you give your employees a little bit more 4.____ and authority to make decisions, it will increase their control over the task and they might be better 5.____ to carry out those tasks. This kind of empowerment will create new, personally identified 6.____ that are adequate and of motivational character to their employees.

Some employees find it highly motivating if they can continue their 7.____ through courses, trainings or accredited programs. This combination of theory and the ability to use the acquired 8.____ in practice can be really stimulating for employees.

In the following two paragraphs, find synonyms to the words/ phrases below:

1. To esteem, to regard =

2. Aided, sustained or maintained by aid =

3. Anyway =

4. Difficult, complicated =

5. Requirement or need =

6. Concentrated =

7. In addition to =

Creativity can be another factor to influence the motivation of employees; mainly, when they consider themselves creative but are not supported in this by the company or employer. Maybe, even the job does not require creativity or at least it is not necessary. Giving the employee an opportunity to use this skill of theirs will strongly encourage the worker.

Possibly the working hours could be taken into consideration as well. Many employees find it really arduous to meet the demands of their lives beyond the workplace and it can significantly reduce one´s motivation. Offering flexible working hours, job sharing or condensed workweek can solve this situation without losing the employee. On top of that in most cases, it increases the effectiveness of work.

Fill in the most appropriate forms of the words in brackets:

Last but not the least factor is 1.____ (money) incentive. For example, sharing company profits is motivating for employees to produce a quality 2.____ (perform). But money is effective only when it is given to an employee for particular process-improving ideas, 3.____ (accomplish) or for generating cost savings.

The advantage of using money for motivating employees is that it is universal, it can be given to any employees who can 4.____ (consequence) spend the money on what they find the most 5.____ (benefit): a holiday, new car, language course... One of the disadvantages of using money is that the motivation does not last long and it only 6.____ (sure) a short time boost. Additionally, these bonuses are quite expensive for the company in contrast with their effectiveness.

Status and recognition are usually the factors that can motivate employees much much longer. The best combination is born when the employee has an interesting job and his work is appreciated and recognised by their employers. Moreover, the combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators then becomes the potent motivator of employees for their work and success at work.

Additional incentives can be discounts on products the company sells, having company parties at least once a year, compensate financially your employees the employee meetings and seminars they are obliged to attend and you can also write a company-based newsletter which will promote a stronger sense of solidarity among employees.

Match words from the texts above with appropriate explanations:

1. incentivea. a great thing that is achieved after a lot of work
2. accomplishmentb. the act of giving somebody an authority to do something
3. recognitionc. an amount of money that is taken off the usual price
4. empowermentd. something that encourages you to do something
5. discounte. public praise and reward for somebody’s work

TEST your knowledge HERE!


Fill in the gaps with appropriate words:

1. tools; 2. depends; 3. offer/give/provide; 4. responsibility; 5. equipped; 6. challenges/aids/objectives; 7. development; 8. knowledge

 In the following two paragraphs, find synonyms to the words/ phrases below:

1. consider; 2. supported; 3. at least; 4. arduous; 5. demand; 6. condensed; 7. on top of that

 Fill in the most appropriate forms of the words in brackets:

1. monetary; 2. performance; 3. accomplishments; 4. consequently; 5. beneficial; 6. ensures

 Match words from the texts above with appropriate explanations:

1. d; 2. a; 3. e; 4. b; 5. c

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